A bit about yours truly!
Hey there! Welcome to my corner of the weird wide web. I'm just another nostalgic dweeb who wanted a little oasis where I could be tacky and indulgent. Here's a lightning round of facts:
name: alex
age: 23
pronouns: they/them (i'm a nonbinary lesbian!)
sun sign: leo! (08/11/2000)
socials: find 'em all in the sidebar! but as a rule of thumb i'm fairything/fairythingflies on everything.
interests: writing, making music, my ocs, queer culture, literature, media studies... and more. i have a lot of interests haha.
tools of choice: find 'em here
occupation: freelance writer/musician + communication student
stuff wrong with me: autism & more (but you have to buy me dinner to know the rest)
mbti: infj
alignment: chaotic good
d&d class: bard
pets: while my family has 2 cats, one of them is mine in particular. that'd be onyx, my perfect little angel who's a bit neurotic and a bit silly, but the purest & most loving soul out there. check out a picture of her!

Some of my favourite things
colour: purple
flower: lavender
animal: cat (though rabbit is a close second and deer a close third)
pokemon: mew (though turtwig is a close second and clefairy a close third)
book: changes by the day, but head to this page to find some i really like
musical artist(s): too many to name, but find some favs here
movie: who framed roger rabbit, but check out this page for some other favs
podcast: welcome to night vale, but i have other favourites here
video game: can't pick one, find a bunch here
tv show: can't pick one, find a bunch here
play/musical: little shop of horrors and hadestown are tied for #1, though you can find others here
quote: i've got a million, you can find them here
Quiz Results

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Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness.
Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!
howdy! My name is |
alex |
here's some lore! |
androgynous, artsy, autistic, cat lover, creative, cuddly, cute, dyke, eccentric, effeminate, fairy, femme, full of love, glittery, hairy, happy, ineffable, introvert, leftist, lesbian, lesbo, lezzy, library dyke, lover, loving, obsessed, odd, passionate, pixie, quirky, sparkly, strange, witch, wizard |
What's yours? |

a bow and arrow !
you're SUPER kind and sweet and probably smell like valentines day cake !! you fight for your loved ones and do it with your heart first
want to know what your magical girl weapon is ? click here !
Digital Trinkets + Toys
this might become its own page someday... but not yet ;)

Miscellanous Memes n' Such

Page Credits
the miniature gifs i used as bullet points have been saved on my laptop since i was about 14, and i have no idea who initially made them--but if i find out, i'll absolutely add the credit here! same with a lot of the blinkies and digital knick-knacks--a lot of these were taken from other peoples' graphic resource pages and such, and i've credited what i could find credits for, but obviously lots of info has been lost to time ;_; if you know where something's from, please let me know so i can link i!